Category: Uncategorized

Break a Leg! (Or not)

I had high hopes for 2024. Dreams of finally showing a horse that I bred, raised, and felt connected to. Getting back a judge’s card I forgot to renew a few years ago, that now requires a trip to Oklahoma City. Visions of running… Continue Reading “Break a Leg! (Or not)”

When Little Things Are Big Things

Last night I went to the funeral visitation of a man who changed the course of my entire life. He gave me my first pony and set me on a life journey that has included horses ever since. Sure, there were many others who… Continue Reading “When Little Things Are Big Things”

Horses Take Us Places

By Karen Waite It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…it was Facebook. I have a love hate relationship with Facebook, and lately (and by that I mean for the last 5-7 years) it’s been much more hate than love.… Continue Reading “Horses Take Us Places”

Drive On!

I shared this meme about steak sauce the other day, and 1) it made me laugh really hard, which like many, I needed and 2) it got me thinking. In one of this country’s darkest hours, human ingenuity found a solution to a problem… Continue Reading “Drive On!”


By Karen L. Waite, Ph.D. The first blog post I ever wrote was “The Five Myths of Horse Judging”. At the time, I don’t think I had a specific plan for what this blog would really be “about”, I just knew that I had… Continue Reading “#Judgin’Ain’teasy”

Three Cheers for Aqua-Net! (Or What Have You)

(Reboot 😊, but the timing seems right) This one is for the ones who are just getting started, or even those who’ve been at it awhile, but can’t quite figure out how to get better. The ones who go horse shows weekend after weekend,… Continue Reading “Three Cheers for Aqua-Net! (Or What Have You)”

Blue Ribbons and Facebook Likes

By Karen L. Waite, Ph. D. Earlier this year I was speaking at a (pre Pandemic) Horse industry conference and afterwards a young person asked…”how did you learn to be ok with not winning? “ My first response? I was a bit flabbergasted. I… Continue Reading “Blue Ribbons and Facebook Likes”

You Can’t Have it Both Ways!

By Karen Waite The two biggest complaints I hear about horse judges are that they either pick one person and use them all day or that they’re NOT CONSISTENT.  Usually the consistency comment is followed by something on the order of “the people who… Continue Reading “You Can’t Have it Both Ways!”

Don’t Hold a Grudge

Photo by Mike Darrow If you know anything about judging or scribing reining, western riding, or trail, you know that each individual maneuver is given a score ranging from -1 ½ to +1 ½ in half point increments. A -1 ½ represents an Extremely… Continue Reading “Don’t Hold a Grudge”

Ride for the Brand

Remember that time you went to the ER for that broken arm and thought “You know, I could really do a better job of setting this?”  Or when you took your car to the mechanic and thought,  “That’s not the way I would have… Continue Reading “Ride for the Brand”